Tuesday 13 October 2015



METEOROLOGICAL DROUGHT- this type of drought is defined, basically by comparing the level of dryness to a 'normal' amount of dryness in the soil; and how long the dryness last. Maybe considered as regional. It is identified by periods of droughts on the basis of the number of days in which the precipitation is less. (precipitation- the quantity of water that falls to the earth).
 AGRICULTURAL DROUGHT- this drought deals with the moisture of the soil and if it is sufficient enough to promote growth of crops at every level of development. Agricultural droughts are linked to some characteristics of both meteorological and hydrological droughts.
 HYDROLOGICAL DROUGHTS- this type of drought deals with the effects of periods of precipitation on the surface or subsurface water supply, like reservoirs). Precipitation deficiency takes a long period to show up.
 SOCIOECONOMIC DROUGHTS-"the supply of many economic goods like water, food grains and fish, all depends on the weather. Because of the natural variability of the climate, water supply is ample in some years, while in others is unable to support human needs. Therefore, socioeconomic droughts occur when the demand  for an economic good exceeds supply as a result of a weather-related shortfall in water supply."

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